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Stiles Anderson

Co-Owner, Coach

Stiles has always lived an active and adventurous life, and takes pride in his pursuit to be constantly growing and improving in all that he does. Stiles found CrossFit over 10 years ago while living in Chicago and was immediately hooked. “The varied workouts, friendly competition and supportive community drew me in. It challenged me in so many new ways both physically and mentally, and was instrumental in helping me understand just how important physical fitness is to promoting a happy and healthy life. It set me on a new path and has had such a positive impact.” Stiles holds an L1 CrossFit Certificate. While Stiles can be found coaching the occasional class, you’re more likely to spend time with him alongside you in class. Did you know he is a big fan of shin box forward folds? In addition to his time at FitHAUS, Stiles is an entrepreneur and business advisor. He’s an avid downhill skier, loves almost anything outdoors, and cherishes the time he spends with his family and close friends.

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